Monday, February 14, 2011

My Presentation

My name is Maïlys Fort, I am 20 years old, and I study LLCE Italian, Language, Literature and Civilization at Stendhal. It's my second year. I like very much what I chose because I learn more and more things about my origins, the History, the politic, various tongues between the South and the North and in particularly the way of life at the South of Italy which I don't know because I come from the North of Italy. This second year is more difficult than the first year because news disciplines, as phonetic, are more complicated.
About my family, I live in Grenoble with my family in a flat for twenty years. I have got a sister, she is 18 years old and she studies accounts. My mother is an accounting and my father is a technician. I have got a cat, her name is Nala. When I adopted her, she was 2 months, she was beautiful ! My mother is French and my father is Italian so my father's family lives in Italy and my mother's family lives in Grenoble. I am going to see my father's family every holiday.
I speak Italian for 15 years, for I was very younger as my sister. One year, I went in Italy during 4 months, from June to September to make the most of family, of the country, and to work my tongue's accent, vocabulary, and the pronunciation. When I came back in France I mixed up the two tongues ! =)
About me, I would like to become an Italian teacher because it's important, for me, to share my culture, my origins and my tongue at children who want know this. I hope that I am going to manage to do. I like animals, in particularly cats, I like all of tongues, I think every tongue has its beauty, I enjoy go out with my friends to the cinema, to the shopping... and I really like sport, athletics, swimming. I also enjoy very much to cook all of thing, but I prefer to cook the Italian's food, my favorite food are lasagne.

I hope that now you know me a little more.

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