Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A funny love-charm !

    I watched the video and it pleaseed me, it's funny ! The love-charm about this story is :

" If you use a picture of your loved one as the wallpaper on your cell phone and no one finds out about it for 3 weeks, you'll attain your love! "

When I watched this video I remembered my first years to the secondary school, when I was 11 years old. Now, I am going to tell you my history :

    When I arrived at the secondary school, at the beginning I knew nobody in my new class and I was shy. I had a best friend but we weren't in the same secondary school. I was in the private school and she was in the State school. We were neighbors so I saw her every evening, after the school, to tell her my stories and because I missed her a lot. Together, we did many things, for an example we did Halloween every year until 14 years old. I liked telling her my stories and listening to hers stories but my favorite stories were love stories ! One day, I found a cute boy in my class so I talk to her about him. I didn't dare to speak with him because I didn't know what he felt and because I were too shy !
    Little by little, he noticed that I looked him in class and one day we became friends. He had found me a nickname but not very kind ! I didn't still know what he felt. One day, my best friend give me good advice and she explained me a love-charm :

" If I wanted that a boy loves me, I had to write his name and his first name on a scrap of paper and then I had to burn it completely, if his name and his first name remained written on ashes it meant that he would love me. "

    Now, I find this love-charm was very silly ! But, when I was young I believed it very strong and I did it several times with my best friend for the others boys. 
      I think when we are young, it's reassuring to make this king of things and because we are fools we believe in many things. I think it's a mixture of superstitions and the need to believe in something but for me, we do this for fun. 


Saturday, March 19, 2011

For my English friends

    Hey guys !                            

   How are you ? I arrived two days ago at home and I am sorry if I can't to write you earlier because I know that you wait my letter ! I made very good trip and when I came home my family wait me to hear my sophisticated English. I miss you so much ! ! Since I come back I have to get used to the way of French life again because England is a very different country.

   I thank you for teaching me to speak better English, my mother thinks that I have the English accent ! 
Thank you for discovering me the marvels of London as Big Ben, it's different to see it for real and not in photos. What I liked the most, were the English Guards, theirs uniforms and their stillness, I don't know how they do this ! I also liked the famous English Bus because we haven't it in France.  
My favorite monument was the Westminster palace, towers are higher what I thought !    
The last day was my favorite, this shopping day was so funny and so expensive for me ! My favorite streets were the Oxford Street and the Carnaby Street. Do you remember my favorite store ?   MARKS & SPENCER

   I thank you so much for your welcome and your company, I wasn't bored with you and I hope to see you very quickly ! ! If you want this summer you can come home, I invite you and I 'll show the marvels of France. By that time, we can continue to write.

       I wait your answer ! 
       Bye for now ! 

Monday, March 7, 2011

An unusual painting

      I am going to tell you Doug Landis' story. Doug has never had a passion for the drawing but after his accident his life changed. He loved working with his hands, especially in wood an metal but now because of his accident he can't do it any more. His accident left him quadriplegic, paralyzed from the neck down. Doug wanted to do anything more after his accident, he stayed at home in front of the television so his brother challenged him to draw putting a pencil in his mouth. At the beginning Doug drew only forms or lines and he improved details, little by little. He spent a lot of time to arrive at this result. His accident highlighted his talent. He is a self-taught artist.

When he draws he has only the pencil in his teeth, it's his neck which does all of the work. To finish a drawing he spent from 40 to 400 hours and more, depending the size of the image and the amount of details. At the beginning, for many years, he abused his neck by working too many hours, (sometimes 6 and 8 hours), without taking a break, so during years he began having some problems by controlling his pens.
He earned a M.F.A in Motion Graphics at California Institute of the Arts in Valencia, California, the school founded by Walt Disney.

He draws particularly endangered animals.
To create larger images and to do the animals justice, he began to draw on images upside down. To draw is a means for Doug to release himself, to be able to do something alone without help what he can never do for others things in his life because of his creeping paralysis.

      I think it's important to interest in a creative activity because thanks that, we can feel release, we can make something which looks like us, which belongs us and which remembers us whom we are and what we are capable.